Street Improvements

Street improvements at Robertson Road, Centennial Park at the intersections of Dibbs Street and Oxley Lane.

What work is being done?

• Kerb and gutter

• Raingarden upgrade

• Garden beds

• Storwmater pit and pipes

Construction period is May 2024 to July 2024.

Work will be carried out during the day between 7:30am and 5:30pm Monday to Friday, 7:30am and 3:30pm Saturday.

We will take steps to minimise any impact on you, however there will be some machinery noise, temporary restrictions to vehicle parking and alternative pedestrian access.

You will still be able to access properties in the street, and we will contact you if we need to temporarily restrict access to progress work.

In the event of wet weather, work will commence the following day. If unsuitable weather continues, we will notify you of the change in scheduling.

Project Updates

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