Crown Street Upgrade

Weekly Project Updates

  • Construction update for week commencing 29 April 2024

    Construction works continue at Crown Street between Albion Street to Campbell Street and between Davies Street to Devonshire Street (east). Our team is also ready to start section between Fitzroy Street to Foveaux Street (east).

    Our construction work for the week commencing 29 April 2024 weather permitting includes:

    • From Albion Street to Campbell Street – complete porous paving around the trees and work in the pits.
    • From Davies Street to Devonshire Street – paving footpath and commence work on 556 to 558 Crown Street driveway from Monday 29 April for up to 2 weeks (vehicles access will be restricted during works).
    • From Fitzroy Street to Foveaux Street - start site set-up including parking changes, light pole installation works

    We will work to minimise impacts during this time, however there will be some machinery noise, temporary restrictions to parking and temporary changes to pedestrian access.

    Traffic control will be available on site for the duration of works to assist pedestrians, cyclists, businesses and car users. Customers will be able to access businesses during our works. Please follow the directions of traffic controllers at all times.

    Your patience and cooperation during this period are much appreciated.

    Please get in touch with the Community Liaison team with any questions or concerns.

    Thank you,

    Crown Street Upgrade team