Crown Street Upgrade

Weekly Project Updates

  • Construction update - Week commencing 24 June 2024

    Dear stakeholder,

    Construction works continue at Crown Street between Albion Street to Campbell Street (west), between Foveaux Street to Fitzroy Street (west) and between Foveaux Street to Collins Street (alongside Shannon Reserve).

    Our construction work for the week commencing 24 June 2024 weather permitting includes:

    • From Albion Street to Campbell Street (outside 285A Crown Street) – asphalt road, footpath and paving works.
    • From Foveaux Street to Fitzroy Street - continue electrical work.
    • Foveaux Street to Collins Street (alongside Shannon Reserve) - continue electrical work.

    Temporary access changes for Shannon Reserve (park and playground)

    During our works please access Shannon Reserve via Collins Street, Richards Lane or Foveaux Street. We will have access points on Crown Steet closed to ensure community and worker safety. See the map below.

    Temporary relocation of southbound bus stop

    During our works we will temporarily relocate the southbound bus stop further south of Collins Street. Please follow signage in the area for more details. See the map below.

    Shannon Reserve access changes and bus stop relocation from Wednesday 26 June.